Decentralised Twitter ‘Bluesky’ Outlines Code, Content Moderation Plans for Its Platform

Twitter is actively engaged in the development of a decentralized social media initiative known as ‘Bluesky.’ In a recent update, the Bluesky team has released its initial set of codes, reiterating its commitment to moderating content on the platform. The goal of decentralized social media is to shift control away from tech giants currently dominating these platforms. Blockchain-based decentralized social networking applications will operate on independently-run servers, reducing the potential for targeted censorship.

In a blog post titled “Working in Public,” Bluesky unveiled its “Authenticated Data eXperiment” (ADX) protocol code. The core of ADX is described as “self-authenticating” data, empowering users with network authority.

Addressing content moderation, Bluesky developers outlined plans to establish two distinct layers for ‘speech’ and ‘reach’ on the platform. The ‘speech’ layer allows for neutral content publication, similar to creating a website, while the ‘reach’ layer determines what content gets amplified across the network.

The Bluesky team is committed to transparently sharing the platform’s development process by regularly releasing details about their work before completion. In the event that public feedback suggests exploring an alternative direction, the developers are prepared to incorporate changes with a buffer time.

Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, initially announced the Bluesky project in 2019. Although Dorsey remains a board member of Bluesky, the project gained independence in February after securing $13 million in funding from Twitter. With Twitter accepting Elon Musk’s $44 billion buy-out offer, questions about Bluesky’s future surfaced. However, the Bluesky developers have clarified that the changes in ownership will not impact the project. The specific timeline for the release of Bluesky remains uncertain at this point.